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What is Measure L?

Mill Valley's Measure L is an essential step toward safeguarding our community's future by addressing critical infrastructure needs that will affect the safety, accessibility, and quality of life for all residents. The measure proposes a 1% sales tax that will generate approximately $4.2 million annually, directly funding projects that are crucial to the city's well-being.

What Will Measure L Do?

The funds from Measure L will be dedicated to vital improvements such as wildfire prevention and evacuation routes, flood risk reduction through storm drain and culvert upgrades, road and hillside stabilization, and necessary repairs to public safety facilities. These projects are not just desirable—they are essential for protecting our community from natural disasters and ensuring that our infrastructure can support the needs of our residents.

Who Created Measure L?

Measure L comes in response to a detailed assessment of the city's infrastructure needs performed by the Mill Valley Infrastructure Funding Study Committee, comprised of 15 local community members. Through a detailed public process, the committee found urgently needed infrastructure projects costing between $150 and $180 million over the next 15 years, far exceeding the city's current budget capacity. To provide gap funding, the committee unanimously recommended that City Council take immediate action to place Measure L on the ballot.

What Safeguards Are Built Into Measure L?

Measure L includes several safeguards to ensure responsible use of the funds including a Citizens Oversight Committee, regular independent and public  financial audits ensuring that expenditures align with the measure's objectives, and a 10-year sunset clause, meaning the tax will automatically expire after a decade. These provisions ensure transparency, accountability, and timely delivery of Measure L's vital goals.

Who is Supporting Measure L?

Measure L is backed by a broad coalition, including unanimous support from the City Council and endorsements from ten former Mayors. The Mill Valley Chamber of Commerce, Marin Association of Realtors, and Sustainable Mill Valley are also on board, recognizing the measure's importance for infrastructure, economic growth, and sustainability. This widespread support reflects a unified commitment to Mill Valley's future. You can view the full list of community leaders supporting Measure L here.

Where Can I Learn More?

To learn more about Measure L, you can explore the extensive work the City of Mill Valley has put into developing this measure, beginning with a detailed assessment of infrastructure needs, and concluding with the City Council unanimously placing Measure L on the 2024 November Ballot for voter approval.  For a comprehensive overview, including official documents, reports, and additional resources, visit the City’s dedicated Measure L page here.

Paid for by Yes on Measure L - Invest in Mill Valley's Future
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