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A Note From Committee for Mill Valley:

The Mill Valley Infrastructure Sales Tax Ballot Measure ensures that our City has the resources it needs to fund three essential areas for longterm investment: public safety, building maintenance, and community well-being.

By reducing our risk from catastrophic wildfire, flooding, landslides, and sea-level rise, we can protect our families from the devastating effects of climate change. By addressing deferred maintenance of city-owned buildings, we can make sure residents of Mill Valley enjoy our community center and library for decades to come. And, by investing in our roads, sidewalks, parks, and playing fields, we can improve the day-to-day lives of every member of our community.

Simply  put, this measure makes a crucial investment in Mill Valley's future, but first we need your financial support to help us jumpstart the campaign.

Your contribution goes directly to voter outreach, making sure every Mill Valley voter knows that voting 'YES' means that the roads, bridges, and buildings that keep Mill Valley functioning, and the flood, erosion, and fire controls that keep our families safe are ready to serve our community for decades to come. 

Thank you for your support. 

Jim Parrinello, Co-Chair
Kendra Pollack, Co-Chair
John McCauley, Treasurer
Urban Carmel
Betsey Cutler
Max Perrey

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